Abraham Lake, Alberta

Bubble Adventures in the Mountains


The methane bubbles at Abraham Lake are fascinating to explore and photograph.

Mount Michener

Mount Michener, with a 2,545 m (8,350 ft) peak, is a mountain on the eastern border of the Canadian Rockies in Alberta, Canada. It forms the northerly part of the Ram Range.

The mountain sits on the shore of Abraham Lake and its north, west and south face are all visible from the David Thompson Highway.

The mountain was named in 1982 after Daniel Roland Michener who was the Governor General of Canada from 1967 - 1974. Its previous names were Eye Opener Mountain and Phoebe's Teat, reportedly after a woman from Rocky Mountain House who would periodically visit the Nordegg miners in the 1930s.

Information from Wikipedia


I did a little it of composition work … which I lack sometimes. I tend to get a little lost in the moment and then I don’t set things up the way I want.

So this time around I did a little thinking and decided I wanted to try and light up some of the ice cracks to see what may happen and I am quite happy with the results.

Working with Filters

Learning something new to create something new. Photograph is always learning … new techniques, new styles, etc.

Bubbles, Bubbles & More Bubbles

Below are some of the images I created of the methane bubbles. Some are done in natural light and some I lite up using a flashlight.

Methane bubbles are formed in water when dead organic material such as creatures or leaves sink to the bottom of the lake, which are then decomposed by bacteria. The bacteria then produce methane, which forms bubbles that rise to the surface.


Storm Clouds on the Move

Working on Timelapse video … The clouds were quite interesting this evening. It was the beginnings of the winter storms rolling through.