April’s Black & White Film Project

This section will be added at the end of April.

Starting April 1, (no not an April Fools Joke, hahah) I will be doing a one photo a day for 24 days. Not sure what I will find but still I think it will be fun. I was looking for something a bit different to do and to improve my film skills, which I have little to none of but have to start somewhere!!!

So stay tuned. Hopefully, by May 1, I will have images post!!

May 26, 2024
Ok, Finally!!!

Today, I received my digital copies of the roll of Black and White Film that I finish a month ago!! Such is life, outside circumstances that were out of my control. But still a great little reward for a bunch of work I did today, cleaning, baking etc.

So On With The Show . . . as you will see the images are not perfect but I love them so far and look forward to doing this again. I am spending a few days in Halifax in June and will be taking my film camera with me to see what I can create. Some of the images are well exposure, some are not. One that is a double exposure, no idea how I did that, but its kinda unique?! One family shot which I think I may get printed a bit bigger and have on my wall.

I didn’t do to much editing on any of these images, basic exposure in LR and straightening because well I must have one leg shorten than the other, or something, hahah!!