My Top 12 of the Year!!

My Top 12 of 2023, well maybe there will be a few more images than 12 but sometimes its hard to decide what my favourites are.

DATE ~ 01/01/2024

  • JANUARY 2023

    Caught in January’s snow storm and it made for some great images as well as making me late for work. But it was so worth it!!

  • FEBRUARY 2023

    February, I became a bit obsessed with window reflections. This is one of favorites because of the way I shot it. Making the manikin the central figure but the building stood out as well. Kinda of a old vs the new.

  • MARCH 2023

    Who could resist the Zoo’s Penguin Waddle!! This is such a wonderful even hosted by the Calgary Zoo. It is a great enrichment outing for the penguins. They are not forced to do this and they are ready and waiting for their daily walks in March. And they do look like they are having a great time!!

  • APRIL 2023

    Ahh April when the Bluebirds start coming back to Alberta. Lucky enough to be out at the right time and the right spot to see this little guy catch a bug for lunch!!

  • MAY 2023

    Late May in the Val Marie, Saskatchewan area to explore Grasslands National Park for a few days. Beautiful sunny evening before the fog rolled in.

  • JUNE 2023

    A day out in June to explore Ann & Sandy Cross Conservation Area. And came across this Yellow Legged Sandpiper.

  • JULY 2023

    I enjoy going to the zoo at any time of the year. And one of my stops during the warm months is the Flamingos. I could stand and watch them all day long.

  • AUGUST 2023

    August was a quiet month in photography. Mostly images created around my home and neighbourhood. But my neighbourhood animals kept me active and busy with my camera. Whether it was the teenage magpies or the baby sparrows or the couple of jackrabbits that hang out in the churchyard. Never a dull moment!!

  • SEPTEMBER 2023

    September was a month of great images and new adventures. I went to Scotland!!! So picking just one image is not the easiest thing to do. So I picked one from a beautiful part of the Highlands to share with you. This is Loch Maree, now if you are going to Scotland and you have the opportunity to go to the area … Go!! Its Amazing!!

  • OCTOBER 2023

    Late October, Calgary had its first snow fall but it didn’t stick around for long. This image remembers me of the leaves and snow falling. I love creating these types of images, they can be so very creative or can be a total mess!!! You just never know!

  • NOVEMBER 2023

    Ahh November bought a new little visitor to my neighbourhood for the day. This little Pine Grosbeck decided that the red berries of the little Mountain Ash tree would do very well for his breakfast. He hung around for a little while but havent seen him since.

  • DECEMBER 2023

    Out for a wonderful bird filled walk near the end of December and was so thrilled to photograph a sparrow busily eating red berries. I was an excellent morning to be out. It was quite except for the birds who were enthusiastically chatting among themselves.