A Freebee Day!!

Ok, so have no idea what I did but somehow I have an extra day this week and what I had planned to post I posted yesterday??!! So Let me See what am I going to share?

Today, I am going to firstly share “The Monthly Dozen”! I have been trying to share a gallery from each month but I didn’t want to just dump all my images and then run away. So it was suggested to me to share 12 images from each month, still not the easiest thing because the images I edit are always my favs for some reason or another.

April’s ~ The Monthly Dozen

The Black Tailed Prairie Dogs

Grasslands National Park is one of the only places in Canada where Black Tailed prairie dogs exist. These social critters frolic and play amongst the many “dog towns’ scattered throughout the Frenchman Valley and have become a favorite amongst the visitors.

The main threats for this species is the non-native disease (sylvatic plague), climate change, the limited geographic location and habitat fragmentation. Park biologists are currently focusing their efforts on population research and managing sylvatic plague.

Black-Tailed Prairie Dogs - Grassland National Park

Fair warning, there will probably be a couple more postings of Prairie Dogs … The Goof Balls of the Prairies! They are just so cute and so much fun to watch and photography.


