What a great way to spend a couple of hours on a beautiful Sunday morning with a good friend. Heather and I, volunteered with the Christmas Bird Count. We were assigned a section in Lynnwood, which we walked checking the trees and feeders and listening for any unusually birds. We found a couple of good spots where folks had feeders out and the birds were very active around the feeders but the rest of the area was quiet. But well, that is the way it goes. Next year definitely going to do this again, it was fun and a great way to spend a day!!
Heather and I counted all the geese that went overhead, to find out that we didnt need to count them!! But thats ok!! hahah In the end we guess-imated about 1000 geese heading out of town to the surrounding fields to feed for the day.
Sparrows everywhere and it took us a bit to decide how to count them and decide to go street by street.
There were 2 neighbourhood Ravens, singing and talking while we were walking.
Two little surprises busily checking out the tree for a mid-morning snack! Downy Woodpeckers … love these little sweethearts!!