Chairs & Walker

I went to Eau Claire Market  which is scheduled to be demolished on May 31st.   I thought it would be interesting to go and see how empty the market was and to photograph a little bit of the interior of the market.   I went with a friend who suggested it. It was a wonderful way to spend an early May morning.

We were on the Upper Floor looking down to photograph these chairs. There were several of them.   I waited for a few minutes for this gentleman to walk by and photograph at about the right time. There are several shots or series of shots with him as he walks through rather quickly so I had to be rather quick with the shutter button. 

The market is actually one of the spots that I first worked over 20 years ago. I don't remember the name of the shop or which one it was anymore but it was nice to be able to wander down through there before it was torn down. I have several more images from the market which I will process and share as time goes on. 


Baird's Sparrow


Halifax in Review