Creative Sundays


I am starting a new feature for my blog. I am going to try and pick a small Creative Project each week to share with everyone. So the project maybe of almost anything creative from drawing/painting to crocheting to cooking to trying/experimenting with something interesting that I have come across online. And well, photography too!!

With that being said I came across something called Coffee Painting. Now I had heard of this in recent months but just hadn’t had a chance to try it. So this week was the week!!

The first thing I noticed, you need alot of drying time!! So, patience is needed for this little product.

If any of you know me, I tend to go full steam ahead and then do my research. So my first attempt, which I will still share, was the non-research piece. However, I am going to be revisiting this style of painting. I love the vintage look of paper.

One thing I am going to share here, like I said earlier I go head long to things without fully understanding what I am about to do. And of course, what do I do, I lose the original website I found regarding Coffee painting. I think I did some email cleaning and on the website is gone. But in the name of playing, I just did it!!

I have now found another website which when time permits I am going to following all of the instructions and see if my second attempt is just as much fun as the first attempt.

How to Create a Landscape using Coffee

First Video is the first adding of coffee … not quite what I thought it would look like.

Second Video I have added more coffee and I thought lets see what rock salt would do.

Some terrific cracking on the paper. This is before removing the rock salt.

Removed the rock salt and now you can really see the cracking and the staining of the coffee. Really rather like the end result.


I am Pretty and I know it!!


In Coming