Colonel Walker House ~ 1910

Located in Inglewood Bird Sanctuary

"Inglewood" was Walker's name for his home, and the moniker was soon applied by the public to the surrounding community. While the Inglewood district had originally been established in 1875, following the construction of Fort Calgary, it was not until the construction of Colonel Walker's home that an enduring neighbourhood name was adopted by the people. The home has remained a proud local landmark since that time. In 1929 the Walker Estate and an adjoining parcel of land were set aside by the Federal Government as a sanctuary for migratory birds, most likely the first such sanctuary in the province. Open to the public since that time, the Inglewood Bird Sanctuary has been a home to over 270 species of migratory birds, and the Colonel James Walker House has served as a centre for the educational and administrative activities of the Sanctuary.



Great Blue Herons


WRTB - Series 4