Travel Journal - Day 14

Date: Sunday, September 15

Quote: "Travel far and wide, but always find your way back home."

Location: Edinburgh

Weather: Beautiful Day, the sun shone. The skies opened up once and it got a bit wet.

Activity: Today, I did something I haven’t done in many years and so glad I did. It was an amazing experience to sit in the quiet of Rosslyn Chapel listening to a church service. The organ was playing, voices raising and falling in song and verse. In the beauty of a 578 year old Chapel that has seen and heard many sermons over the centuries.

This is an experience I would recommendation to anyone. It is a beautiful setting on a quiet Sunday morning to just reflect on life, God and the world and just to say one small pray of Thank you.

As I sit here this morning, my flight leaving in a few hours, I reflect on the experiences I had. What I am taking away from my 2 weeks in Scotland is something that I don’t think I can put into words. I have learned things, experienced things, made new friend and found old friends, I realized a few things about myself that I didn’t quite realize was there. I want to do it all again, one day, and find out more about me. I have truly realized that life isn’t just about the everyday hum-drum of life, there is so much more to experience, to see, to do, to just live.

Scotland, I will be back one day!! To explore, to breathe in, to simply feel.




Travel Journal - Day 13