Halifax - Day 1

Well, the first day in Halifax was extremely wet. Woke up to rain, rain and more rain and as I write this it is still raining and it's 5:00 in the afternoon.

I attempted to go out three times today to wander and look around and take in the view.  There weren't any views, it was all fogged in. However, I've been to Halifax before when it's rained, it's not cold, it's just wet. My first attempt this morning to go out, I only made it a couple of blocks and decided that it was really coming down, too much for my liking. So I came back. I edited a few photos, watched some TV, had a nap and basically vegged. Not such a bad thing, that's what I really needed was just a day off. The second attempt, I made it down to the Waterfront and into the Halifax Farmers Market, wandered around and found some breakfast, found some fruit, took a few photos and then made my way back to my room again. I sat and kind of waited for my shoes to dry, my coat to dry and everything else that I wore to dry out. My third attempt was a combination of going to find some coffee, some supper and trying to wander the Halifax Public gardens, but it was just too wet. So I've come back home to my room for the evening. I'll find a movie and work on a few photos and do blog post as you can see.

These two with their umbrellas. Him trying to get his phone to work to take photos and her holding the umbrellas, represented the day very much.

Tomorrow is suppose to be drier!!  

Taken in Halifax Gardens June 15th, 2024.


Halifax - Day 2


Stunning Beauty