Halifax in Review

Okay, so I kind of dropped the ball a little bit and gave away my secret in another post. In the middle of June I am heading back to Halifax for a long weekend. I'm going to haul my cameras along. I'm going to take photos. I'm going to play in the gardens. I am going to wander and wander and wander. I have thoughts of getting up for Sunrise and making it till sunset but who knows all depends on what the weather does. However, I'm going to do one of those two things.

I'm also going to take along my film camera with a roll of Ilford Delta professional black & white. I don't know how professional it'll be but I'm going to give it a try.

Today's two photos at the bottom of this page were taken at Eastern Passage which is on the Dartmouth side from Halifax. It's a Wonderful spot to wander around looking at all the little shops and all the neat little things that are in all of the shops. There is a great fish & chip shop out there which will be my lunch stop for the day and a bowl of ice cream. I look forward to sharing images that I create from Halifax, which should be the last week of June or the first week of July when I post them. I will do a post everyday while I'm there, which will be Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday and possibly Tuesday morning.  I have other ideas for this trip that I may play with while I'm there but will not post until I have a chance to work out all the bugs.


Monthly Feature


May’s Artworks