June’s 10 on 10

I got almost all of them done by the 10th. This 10 on 10 month’s challenge was 10 challenges in one. I didn't quite do it the way I had planned on doing it. I was going to do 10 - 5 minute studies that were themed. But I ended up just going out and shooting whatever I came across that went with the themes.

A couple of the themes were easy and a couple of them were not so easy. Clouds, you would think clouds would be easy but when it's clear blue skies for many days and the rest of the time I was working it made it a little bit harder. However, shoes were actually quite easy to do. I found a few interesting ones and a statue and my own boots and I had that one done in a day.

Some of the images were taken in Banff while I was away for the day. A couple were taken while I was out doing errands and some were taken out looking for birds, never know what you'll find as you're going, right? 


Little Fuzzy Yellow Things
