May’s 10 on 10

Well if I'm not the slowest person ever!!  My 10 on 10 is supposed to be out on the 10th of each month. It is now the 19th! One of those months that was busy, work gets in the way, all the other everyday things. Also the weather was not the greatest this month. Everyday, I tried to go out and shoot and it was just too cold and rainy. It was trying to snow, it was just not nice weather. Yes I know it sounds like an excuse and it was haha!!!

May’s 10 on 10 theme was or is: Street, a street, my street or the street.   As always, this is my interpretation of the theme. Some are a little bit loose, some you may have to think about a bit but it's my interpretation. 

I have looked at the images and most of them do have a road or a street in it. Some were taken around my neighborhood, a few down in Inglewood, one in a cemetery and one out in the country.

June's theme is going to be very very interesting and probably not the easiest to do. The theme will probably not be posted on the 10th of June like it's supposed to be. But because of the theme or I should say themes for a 10-day period are going to be very challenging. I look forward to starting this one. I will start it on June 1st like I always do. There are 10 themes, needing five images at the least. I look forward to sharing them with you in mid June.


So Many Chairs!!!

