Seaweed & Rocks and One Lonely Seashell

Can you hear the waves of the ocean falling on the sandy beach.
The gulls are talking and arguing among themselves.
The sand squishes and rolls beneath your boots. Looking down to see what there is to see.
There is so much to look at, there is nothing like this on the landlocked prairies.

There are compositions everywhere along the beach. Just a few steps in any direction and I stop again. I can’t decide which one, I like the best.

I love going to locations like a beach. There are so many different things to photograph and so many small details that are overlooked. Sometimes I go to a location and never even see the grand vistas or what everyone else sees. And I kick myself because I have fogotten to get one of those big shots!

I am planning to print off a few of these detailed images, I think they will be fhun to have on my walls and in my Creative Space.

Rosiemarkie Bay


