Secret of the Trees

There are 20 to 30,000 Trees in Halifax that shade the streets; Lindens, Maples and Oaks. Many of these trees were along the streets of Halifax during the explosion on December 6, 1917. Many of the trees that were in the Zone of Devastation, would not have survived and the ones that did would have been use for firewood to keep folks warm.

Trees further away have been found to have pieces of metal from the ship, Mont-Blanc that vaporized in the explosion embedded deep with in the trees. These metal pieces send sparks flying from chainsaws and wreck machinery at lumber mills. These older trees from the of the explosion are now only good for firewood.

Information above was taken from The Halifax Explosion 1917 Walking Tour

Photos were taken further up the hill from the explosion zone. There was a cut off point, one street between the explosion zone and possible survival, the explosion there was nothing left and what was in the survival area had to be bull dozer and start over. This area of Halifax was once called Richmond.




Good Bye, Boys