Halifax ~ Day 3

Today, I went out to George’s Island which is on a separate page, so please check out it. But I left early to capture some early morning photos.

There is a rule in Halifax for the Old Heritage Buildings, that you can re-build the inside of these great old buildings but the outside must stay the same. So it was interesting to see that there is one of these buildings being worked on and restored.



In September 1814, a British Military and naval expedition from Halifax, under Lieutenant General Sir John Coape Sherbrooke and Rear Admiral Edward Griffith, occupied the portion of Maine between the Penobscot and St. Croix Rivers.  Major General Gerard Gosselin governed that district from Castine, until 26 April 1815.  The Customs duties collected during this period were utilized by Governor Dalhousie for the endowment of the Garrison Library and Dalhousie College.

Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada