Blending the Past

Well it's May and the Creative flow may be Flowing. Haha!!

I have been thinking of doing a few images of blended layers using Photoshop and some new images and some old images to see what I can create.

I was out and about with a friend on Friday and we photographed an old grain elevator. Interesting old structures some are more decrepit than others. But this one looks like it is still being looked after somewhat by the little town of Brant.

The two images, the first one being the grain elevator and the second one of an old tractor in the fog were created while on an adventure last year to Saskatchewan. I cropped the grain elevator down a bit just to make it fit to the other image that I wanted to use of the tractor. The grain elevator left was left in it's natural colors of the day and the tractor I changed to a sepia tone and also blurred at a tiny bit. As you can see the green of the elevator flows into the sepia tone of the tractor image or vice versa. Making the two images connect together. 

I'm working on this technique because I think it may make for some interesting images in the future. I have a lot to learn and to brush up on my Photoshop skills. Photoshop has changed a lot over the years.   Not sure where this is going to lead but with any Art, that is the joy of the adventure. 


Halifax in Review


Friday’s Flower