Travel Journal - Day 5

Date: Friday September 6, 2024

Quote: Find joy in the journey.

Location: Edinburgh to Inverness by Train

Weather: Foggy, Rainy, Clouds and Blue Sky all in a couple of hours, alot like Home sometimes.

Activity: Todays main activity was the train ride from Edinburgh to Inverness. However, a quick trip to Broadford/Skye was in order as well. And I was a beautiful sky blue day up there.

The train ride was amazing, the landscapes was everything from city to farm to mountain and its all green and growing beautifully. It is harvest season here too. So many of the grain fields are in the process of being cut, so the yellows are quite pretty among the green areas. And there is little white sheep with black little faces everywhere!!


Travel Journal - Day 6


Travel Journal - Day 4