I arrived in Edinburgh on Thursday September 7, to a beautiful summer’s day. I found my B&B with out any problems and it was a great little room which I have plans of staying again next September. I dropped my bags and extras off and decided to go see what I could see. Dorstan House was a bit off the beaten track but not by alot. It is along some very pretty little streets with great old homes and gardens and the walk the bus stop each day was peaceful and quiet.

Over the next couple of days before leaving for Inverness I did a tour as well as just wandered around a bit on my own.

Friday, I decided to take a Tour out to Hadrian’s Wall and back with interesting places along the way. I left a bit early that morning partly I wasn’t completely sure of where I was going. When I looked out the window that morning, it was foggy!! And I so needed to get some foggy photos of Edinburgh, how can you not get foggy photos of Edinburgh!! So I quickly got ready to go and was out the door by 7am!!

By the time I did make it to the pick up point for the Tour all the fog had burned off and it was another beautiful day in Edinburgh . . . 28c!!!