May 27
Ok, so It was wet .. wet … wet .. WET!! So decided to head anyway just to see what and who we would find along the way. Well, if you think we (I went was a good friend of mine) were not thrilled about the rain maybe of the birdies we came across were not thrilled either!!
One of the first bigger birds of prey was a Ferruginous Hawk and as you can see he was not happy!! And secondly is a pretty little Mourning Dove hanging out on a fence patiently waiting for the rain to end.
There will be FOGGY Photos coming in the near future!!!
Ferruginous Hawk - Large raptor of dry open country; light morph much more common than dark morph. Light adult distinctly rufous above with blue-gray flight feathers, white breast and rufous barring on side. Tail very pale with light rufous upperside.
Mourning Dove … svelte with a long, pointed tail. Plain brown overall with dark spots on wings.